Ministry of Welcome
Also known as Ushers, Greeters, or Hospitality, our ministry is about being the face of Christ to all who enter.
There are some who may be wary of coming to a church and it would take very little to make this visit their last. A kind word, a gentle smile, even body language can do much to put folks at ease.
Our ministry is to assist and to accommodate those who come to worship. We keep an atmosphere of calm and welcome, from responsibly handling collections to distributing worship aids. It is a joy and a privilege to serve Christ in this way.
Families Welcome! This ministry is suitable for all ages! We encourage parents and guardians to pair up with their young ones, and serve together as a family.
Thinking of joining our ministry?
If looking after others gives you a sense of peace, then you are in the right place. We are always in need of new Welcome ministers at all of our weekend masses and special feasts.
Want to support our work?
Your contributions help cover costs of worship aids, replacing materials, refreshments after mass, and more. Thank you for your generosity in making our ministry possible!